Jan 27, 2013

The Hunter's Son - Red Riding Hood custom story

This Kinda talks by itself, so, I'll just let you know that "This" is
what took me almost the whole Christmas holidays to do, and the one to blame
for not posting anything for almost a month now.

The Idea was to make 5 illustrations of the RRH story, almost everyone was doing it
based on the main story, so I basically made up what happened after that story ended.

As it was a custom story I had to make more illustrations so it could be more
believable, and also because I like to suffer, looks like...

So, here you have it!

The Hunter's Son
Red Riding Hood Custom Story

Well, I think that's a whole month of almost rage quit endless work haha

But I actually had a lot of fun with the drawings, learned a few things too, but must
important, now I realize I need a new computer, soon...

Hope u liked it!! see you! =D

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