Nov 4, 2012

Watercolor and Graphite WIP of my dear sleeping Cat (Kenshu)

Hey Guys! 
Here is another WIP just for your eyes, made on watercolor 
and then the final touches with a 4B pencil =D


Well, first of all, I took as a refference a sketch I made before looking at my cat
that was sleeping on his little bed 
I made it with an 8B graphite Bar

After doing a tracing of the drawing on a Basik DinA4 plus paper, I began painting, 
placing the colors and controling the light, shadows and the volumes...

 At this point I had all the watercolor work almost done, but I wasn't 
aware that to continue I was going to use a Graphite Pencil, I was sure 
it needed something else to be entirely finished.

The next day it was completly clear that it needed something darker, just to give a more 
realisting touch to the scene, the solution, as I said, was a 4B Graphite Pencil, mainly on the cat, had some problems on the back leg and the tail, but they were eventually fixed =)

Here is the final well scanned result...

Well, this is all the WIP, hope u liked it

Next time I'll bring you a Gouache WIP, It doesn't have as many photos to explain but I'll
manage to tell you every detail so you know well the behind the scenes...

See you people =D

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